Salary Calculator for Poland [Updated 2025]

Calculate employee net salary and taxable income in Poland

Calculate your Polish salary and deductions instantly. See net pay, Monthly Income cost, Tax free allowance, and more. Built for employees and contractors across Poland’s regions. Updated for 2025 tax regulations.

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Calculate your Polish salary and deductions instantly. See net pay, Monthly Income cost, Tax free allowance, and more. Built for employees and contractors across Poland’s regions. Updated for 2025 tax regulations.

Calculate your Polish salary and deductions instantly. See net pay, Monthly Income cost, Tax free allowance, and more. Built for employees and contractors across Poland’s regions. Updated for 2025 tax regulations.

1. What is the Average Salary in Poland?

In 2024, the average gross monthly salary in Poland will be around 8,604 PLN (approx. $2,230) and will vary greatly depending on industry, location, and experience. For example, in the Information and Communication sector, it’s around 10,559 PLN ($2,737), and in manufacturing and wholesale trade, around 6,500 PLN. Regional differences are also significant: Warsaw and Kraków often have salaries above the national average, so these cities are popular among professionals looking for higher pay.

Salaries also depend on level and experience. A senior can earn 10-15% more in annual increments than a junior, and higher education (like a master’s degree) can cost up to 30% more than secondary education alone.

Table 1: Average Salary in Poland by Industry (2024)

Region Monthly Gross Salary Monthly Net Salary
Prague CZK 40,000 CZK 31,000
Brno CZK 37,000 CZK 29,000
Ostrava CZK 35,000 CZK 27,500
Plzeň CZK 34,000 CZK 26,500
Liberec CZK 33,000 CZK 26,000


Table 2: Average Salary in Poland by Region (2024)

City Average Monthly Salary (PLN) Average Monthly Salary (USD)
Warsaw 8,550 PLN $2,210
Kraków 8,320 PLN $2,150
Wrocław 8,090 PLN $2,085
Gdańsk 6,920 PLN $1,785
Lublin 6,510 PLN $1,680

2. What is the Minimum Salary in Poland?

The minimum wage in Poland increased in July 2024 to 4,300 PLN gross per month (approx. $1,115) and 28.1 PLN per hour, 19.4% more than last year. After deductions, employees get a net minimum wage of around 3,261 PLN ($845) per month. Poland has one of the highest minimum wages in Central Europe, so low-income workers are protected from rising living costs.

Table 3: Minimum Wage in Poland (2024)

Period Minimum Gross Monthly Wage (PLN) Minimum Gross Hourly Wage (PLN) Equivalent Monthly Wage (USD)
January 2024 – June 2024 4,242 PLN 27.7 PLN $1,115
July 2024 – December 2024 4,300 PLN 28.1 PLN $1,130

3. How is Net Salary Calculated and Paid in Poland?

Net salary in Poland is calculated by deducting income tax, social security and health insurance from the gross salary. Here’s the breakdown:

Income Tax: Poland has a progressive tax system:

  •         12% on annual income up to 120,000 PLN.
  •         32% on any income above this threshold.

Social Security: 13.71% of the gross salary (pensions, disability and sickness insurance).

Health Insurance: 9% of the gross salary (tax-deductible).

An employee with a gross salary of 7,978 PLN per month gets around 5,769 PLN net after deductions.

Table 4: Taxes and Contributions for Net Salary Calculation in Poland

Deduction Type Rate
Income Tax 12% for ≤120,000 PLN
32% for >120,000 PLN
Social Security Contributions 13.71% of gross
Health Insurance 9% of gross (deductible)

4. Understanding Deductions

The Poland net salary calculator accounts for several vital deductions that reduce your gross salary to net pay. These include:

  1. Personal Income Tax (PIT): Poland uses a progressive tax system with two brackets – 12% and 32%. The first PLN 120,000 of your annual income is taxed at 12%, while any income above this threshold is taxed at 32%. The Poland tax calculator automatically applies these rates based on your salary.
  2. Social Security Contributions (ZUS): ZUS contributions include payments toward retirement, disability, and accident insurance. Both employees and employers are required to contribute to ZUS. For employees, the contribution is typically around 13.71% of their gross salary.
      • Pension Insurance (ubezpieczenie emerytalne): 9.76%
        • Ensures future retirement benefits
        • Mandatory for most employees
      • Disability Insurance (ubezpieczenie rentowe): 1.5%
        • Provides coverage for long-term disability
        • Required by Polish labor law
      • Sickness Insurance (ubezpieczenie chorobowe): 2.45%
        • Covers sick leave and maternity benefits
        • Optional for self-employed
  3. Health Insurance: Employees in Poland also contribute to public health insurance through the National Health Fund (NFZ). This contribution is generally 9% of the gross salary, but only a portion (7.75%) is tax-deductible.

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