Pamgro’s in-hand salary calculator helps estimate your monthly net salary after deductions, providing a clear view of your take-home pay for better financial planning.
PamGro’s in-hand salary calculator helps estimate your monthly net salary after deductions, providing a clear view of your take-home pay for better financial planning.
Instantly calculate the estimated total cost of employment in India, including taxes and employee and employer contributions.
Salaries in India are fixed payments employees receive for their work and are typically deposited at the end of every month. Although each company varies in structure and payments may differ accordingly, here are some of the more frequently encountered components that comprise an employee’s monthly compensation package:
There are two sections to your salary slip. The first section is the income or earnings. The second section is about deductions.
Components such as basic salary, house rent allowance, special/other allowances, etc., are included in the income or earrings. This section also includes additional components such as Performance Bonus, Variable Pay, or Reimbursements.
Deductions include gratuity, employer and employee contributions to PF (Provident fund), professional tax, etc. Deductions include gratuity, employer contributions, employee contributions to the PF (Provident Fund), professional tax, etc.
These details can be overwhelming and intimidating for someone trying to figure out their salary. The salary calculator comes in handy here. The calculator will ask for your CTC as well as a few other basic details. Based on these inputs, it will calculate your take-home or in-hand salary.
In the next segments, we will explain the operation of the calculator in more detail. Let’s first understand the main salary components.
To calculate your take-home pay, you will need to enter the cost to the company and any bonus as either a fixed amount or a percentage.
Cost to Company (CTC), for example, is Rs 8 lakh. Your employer awards you a bonus for the year of Rs 50,000. Your total gross salary will be Rs 8,00,000. – Rs 50,000. = Rs 7,50,000. (The bonus is subtracted from the cost to company).
Gross salary = Rs 8,00,000. – Rs 50,000 = 7,50,000.
Total deductions = Rs 2400 + Rs 21600 + Rs 21600 + R 3,000 = Rs 48 600.
Take home pay = Gross pay – Total deductions
Take home Salary = Rs 7,50,000-Rs 48,600 = Rs 7,01,400
Take Home Salary = Gross Salary – Income Tax – Employee’s PF Contribution – Professional Tax
Gross salary = Cost to Company (CTC) – Employer’s PF Contribution – Gratuity
Gratuity = (Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance) × 15/26 × Years of Service
Taxable income = Gross Salary – Employee’s PF Contribution – PPF Investment – Tax-Free Allowances – HRA – LTA – Medical Insurance – Tax Saving Investments – Other Deductions
Suppose an employee’s income and expenses are as below:
Annual CTC = Rs. 10 lakhs
Basic salary = Rs. 30,000 per month
Rent paid = Rs. 30,000 per month
HRA = Rs. 15,000 per month
Investments towards Section 80C = Rs. 1.5 lakhs
Medical insurance premium = Rs. 2,000 per month
EPF = Rs. 1,800 each of employee and employer contribution per month
Annual income tax = approximately Rs. 28,475 as per old tax regime
Annual income tax = approximately Rs. 78,000 as per new tax regime
The net annual take-home salary as per old tax regime will, therefore, be:
= CTC – tax – EPF contribution
= 10L – 28,475 – 21,600
= Rs. 9,49,924
The net annual take-home salary as per new tax regime will, therefore, be:
= CTC – tax – EPF contribution
= 10L – 78,000 – 21,600
= Rs. 9,22,000
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